domingo, 24 de junio de 2012



During November and December 2010 students in all the schools involved in the project have done a survey on water, researching about water shortages, sources of water in their own country and water comsumption at school and at home. The outcomes of this activity are meant to make our students and their families conscious of the importance of using water wisely.

The first activity on this topic was a survey on water. The results are shown in the text displayed as survey on water.
The second activity undertaken was a ppt summarising water resources in Spain. After this, our students did another ppt presentation “ Top ten ways to reduce water use”. This presentation has been later used in class to make all students in our school aware of how not to waste water in their daily life.
Finally, our students presented a design for a poster which appears in one of the project final outcomes.

Recursos (Copia) (2)

Top 10 Ways to Reduce Water Use

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